There and Back Again - An Unexpected Journey

Outside of Thurso - looking out over the fields, across Dunnet Bay, with Dunnet Head in the background and the Orkney Islands beyond that. In the movie, “The Hobbit,” Gandolf is trying to convince Bilbo to go on a journey. Bilbo is completely resistant and his response is, “We are plain, quiet folk and have no use for adventures. Nasty, disturbing, uncomfortable things! Make you late for dinner!” Gandolf goes on to woo Bilbo by saying, “You’ll have a tale or two of your own to tell when you come back. And if you do, you’ll not be the same.” Unlike Bilbo, Mike and I were eager to go on a journey and have an adventure. Like him, we did return with a tale or two. And we are not the same. I am often unaware of how things in my life are strung together until I look back on them. You know that saying, “Looking back gives you 20/20 vision” ? That is how I am able to see how God worked through circumstances and experiences to prepare me for my time in Sco...