Bits and Bobs

Bits and bobs. What a fun expression. I have heard it several times here and have decided I am going to add it to my own list of expressions. It means 'this and that.' 'Odds and ends.' That's what this post is about. Bits and bobs. * THE GROCERY STORE You may recall from a very early post that they have shopping carts here with four wheel drive. They are so much fun to shop with! They glide along so easily - until you try to turn. Then you really have to manhandle them. Here, shopping carts are called 'trolleys.' Of course, in the US, a 'trolley' is an open-air, often electric, bus-like form of transportation. It sounds funny to hear moms ask their young child to sit in the trolley. The grocery stores are kid-friendly. At least Tesco is. At the front of my local Tesco, there is a stand with at least 3 kinds of fruit in it. It is meant for children. Isn't that a great idea? When my children were young, we loved going into S...