The First

The First has come and gone. Kathryn is the first child and the first visitor to visit us in Scotland. She arrived on Dec 9 and I just watched her board the plane to return home. (written on Dec 21 - this was a delayed posting) Home. They say 'home' is where your heart is. Kathryn and I just talked about this last night. Home used to be where my parents lived and where I grew up. Or at least where we lived together. But my parents moved from Las Vegas to Pennsylvania about 30 years ago. And then they lived in a house that was not my home. And they lived in a town that I had not lived in. So, home changed. First day - Loch Ness Now my home is where Mike is. And yet at the same time, home is also where my actual house is – where my ‘stuff’ is – where my kids’ baby pictures are hanging on the walls - where my long-time friends are. And yet again, home is now also our flat in Thurso. Thurso is home no...