Do You Want to Dance?

Mike and I are taking dancing lessons. They are not the first dance classes we've taken. We took a handful of ballroom-type classes through Richland and Kennewick's Parks and Recreation. And we went to a handful of one-night western dancing classes at the Eagle's Club in Pasco. Well, we pretty well stumbled through them. Sometimes with humor. Sometimes in frustration. I'm not sure we really learned anything that stuck. But I have wanted to dance for a loooong time. And by 'dance,' I mean REAL dancing. I have watched others dancing 'real' dances at parties, at weddings, and at actual dances, and have longed to be one of them, gliding across the floor with their partner, being turned under the arm so smoothly, and gliding away again. I love to watch the old musicals. Besides the the corny way people suddenly break out in song (and the person they are singing to joins in because they somehow know all the words...), I love to watch the ...