Amusing Pictures from Italy

In the US, we have those signs on cars, "Baby on Board." This was Sorrento's version of that. You know I enjoy amusing things. I especially enjoy them when they just 'show up' as I am going about my life, which is how most of them do. The one thing that was consistently fun across Italy was toilets. You know how amused I get by them. Here are a couple of examples. (I thought I took more pictures...) You would be surprised how often you can not see what is so obvious - and right in front of you. Many times I hunted around the toilet looking for the flusher just to eventually find it on the floor or at the bottom of the cistern, like these pictures. Apparently I was not the only one having this trouble - they had to put up signs. :) I do not remember where I took this picture, but I thought it was funny. It looks like something you would find in the bathroom helps aisle at Walmart... LOL but I just...