A Look Back at Year One In the Highlands

DRIVING Driving on the left seems normal now. However, when we have gone to other European countries that drive on the right side, THAT feels normal as well. I can’t decide if I am confused or well-adjusted. I don’t get to drive very often because we only have one car and Mike takes it to work. But whenever we drive to Inverness, Mike lets me drive that fun, curvy A9 road along the coast. And every once in a while I have something to do outside of town that I need a car for, so Mike will hitch a ride to work with another Dounrey employee. the gorse in the haar When that happens, l feel carefree as I shoot down the road. I still do not care to pass other vehicles, (that is not new to the UK), but I am pretty comfortable driving 60 mph on these roads. I also enjoy the freedom that driving brings. Who doesn’t like to drive? I admit, I miss it. I don’t really have a need to drive here, but when I get behind the wheel, I really enjoy the driv...