
Showing posts from October, 2018

Our Orkney Island Dance Adventure

On the ferry, leaving Scrabster, with Dunnet Head in the background. Dunnet Head is the most-northerly point on the British mainland. We started taking dance lessons last January. I have written about that before, so I will not cover that part again, except to say we have been learning Smooth Waltz and Modern Jive, from which American Swing comes from.   I am happy to say that in September, our little group of dancers was promoted from “Beginners” to “Improvers.”  😊    And in being promoted, we joined another, established, group of Improvers, which means we have a lot more dancers in our class now. That makes it all the more fun. Leaving Scrabster harbor Me, Mike, Steve, Lexi, Gary and Lee - after we got in the calm water If you read the post about our dancing a while back, you will recall that there are regular opportunities to dance here. Our instructor, Steve, arranges for almost-monthly Live Jive dances at the Park Hotel on Sunday aft...

Daisy Makes New Friends

This Dresden Plate quilt is my own that I brought from WA to quilt here I have not posted as much about quilting as I thought I would when I started this blog. However, that is not a reflection of the amount of piecing or quilting I have actually done.  T here have just been so many other interesting things to write about.   The back of  the Dresden Plate quilt But quilting really is my passion. I belong to different FB quilting groups so that I can admire other people’s quilts, fabrics and quilting techniques as well as learn from others. I see quilt patterns everywhere   - even in the tile flooring in Italy.   I love all types of quilting fabrics and have even been known to ‘pet’ fabric. I believe all fabric should have a ‘home’ - a place to be used to bring comfort and warmth and even joy - and I cannot bear to throw a possibly-usable piece of scrap away, so I will even rescue fabric scraps that others want to throw away.  I do have...