From the Highlands to the Homelands

Leaving Thurso was hard. I will admit there have been far more tears leaving Scotland than there was leaving our Washington home. But that was probably because we knew we would only be gone for a while. We knew we would be returning to our house and to our family and to our friends. But there is no guarantee that we will return to Thurso, or even Scotland. We felt so content and so at-home there in Thurso. We had made friends. We had groups of people we belonged to. We felt like we were a part of the community. We loved the pace of life there - no hurry, no bother. After the packers had packed all our stuff and after the hired house cleaners had cleaned out the apartment, we stayed at the Forss House for our last night there - a big, old Scottish hotel with tartan carpeting. The Forss River runs past the house with a waterfall and the salmon run up twice a year. It’s a place fishermen like to stay. It's where Mike stayed for a week when he wen...