Passports arrived

For those of you who knew, you will be relieved to see that the passports arrived today. Whew!  I, personally was not stressed about this, but here is the story behind the passports.

We had to drive to Yakima last week to have our bio-metrics done. (Turns out, bio-metrics is fingerprinting). For some reason, we had to have this done, plus a picture taken with no jewelry. They gave us the completed paperwork, which we put into a Fed Ex envelope and over-nighted to the legal team handling getting the visa in Houston,Texas. Once they validated the package, they sent it to the British Consulate in DC, who, after 3-5 days were to add a vignette to the Visa (which is a 30 day work visa pending getting our equivalent of a green card).  The consulate then sent it back to Houston who verified correctness and then Fedex'd it to us.  So, from Friday fingerprinting at the immigration office to the following Saturday, we got them back - totally amazed - Mike was a nervous nelly :)


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