Let the Adventure Begin!

We are on our way! We woke at 2:15 AM, were at the airport by 4:15, and took off at 6:30. 

This is us at 5:30 this morning. We look pretty good for only 4 hours of sleep.

We flew from Tri Cities to Salt Lake City, where ee are currently amusing ourselves for 6 long hours while we wait for the next flight. We will fly from here to Amsterdam, then fly to Inverness, and then drive 2 hours to Thurso. We should be there by 1-2 pm tomorrow (their time-which is 8 hours ahead of our time).

Yesterday was a whirlwind. We got up at 5 am and started working on all the little things that needed to happen by the day's end. The packers came at 10 AM and wrapped and boxed all our stuff before noon, but seemed to take all afternoon for them to get it all into the crate.

We have been working long and hard to get ready for this. There have been a million details to track and lots of things on our personal list of things to do before leaving. Mike especially had a lot on his plate as he tried to continue to be present at his current job, travel, train, and juggle the phone calls and emails from multiple people each day who were working on our behalf to get us to Scotland. Plus working to get things done around the house.

Friday was the very first day that I felt any anxiety that we didn't have enough time to get it all done. But things kept falling into place (like the visas) and Kathryn was home and helped me immensely with technology (she is now my "#1daughtertechsupport - how can I help you?") And we were able to say all our goodbyes in natural and leisurely ways and times.  But the real stress hit yesterday as the afternoon wore on and my personal list was not completely checked off.

But we managed. And we were in bed by 10, which is surprising because I need time to veg before I can sleep (which I did). And we slept soundly until the dog barked (little personal joke) at 2:15 AM.

And now all that is behind us. All of the work is done and now the adventure begin.
We are really doing this!!


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