So the Hassells are going to Scotland....

So the Hassells are going to Scotland. Who could have predicted that? 

Mike was asked in January to consider working at Dounreay, Scotland, for a year. Dounreay is the name of the nuclear power site in the northern most part of Scotland.  Being that the kids are all now on their own, it seemed like a fun adventure - and a way for us to travel to many of the places that have been on our bucket list - mainly Italy. Scotland is a great jumping-off place for Europe. 

So after months of talk and back and forth, things finally started to become official in April. And now the Visas have been applied for, we have had biometrics done (which turns out to be fingerprinting), and the packers are coming next Tuesday. And we will be wheels-up at O-bright-thirty out of Pasco on Wed, May 31. Oh - and the trip was extended to 18 months. Is this really happening???

We are gathering the stuff to take with us and this is the gathering room. Most of it is clothes. Warm clothes. But you can see the sewing/quilting stuff in there, too. Here is another angle....

Away from all the comforts of my own home, my friends and my support system, Mike knew I would need something constructive to do. So, most of my equipment and stash are going with me to Scotland. 


  1. SO fun!!! I asked Jason- Doesn't Mike need an assistant over there in Scotland? ;)

  2. I look forward to reading about your adventures.


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