
We have been in Thurso for 4 weeks, as of today.  How can that possibly be?

Food is interesting. It is my life. I would call myself a "foodie." I love food. Those who know me well know that I am always concerned with the next meal. I like what I like, but I also enjoy trying new things. I would rather eat at a local hole in the wall and have what is popular there, than eat at say, Olive Garden. I want authentic tastes. And I want local flavors.  I can appreciate chain restaurants. They take out the unknown and the 'guess' factor. You know what you like and you can know it will taste the same no matter if it is in Tri Cities or in New York. There is a Pizza Hut and Burger King in Inverness. I did not eat at them, but I know that if I did, it would not be the taste of home anyway. I would expect them to be. The names, the looks, etc., are the same, but the taste would be different. Not bad. But different.

When I was a child (from age 7-11), my family lived in England, near Oxford. McDonald's was a big deal at that time in my life. I LOVED McDonald's.  Sometime before we left England, London got the first McDonald's in the UK. My brother and I were ecstatic!  So, when we were in London, we went to McDonald's. And we thought we were in heaven. But it turned out to be so disappointing, because it did not TASTE like McDonald's!!  All that anticipation!  Keep that in mind.

Mike has eaten Kit Kat bars 3(?) times since we've been here. Finally, after the 3rd one, he said, 'enough.' He will not get another. That is because it does not quiiiiite taste like the Kit Kat bars from home. Mayonnaise. They have Hellmann's mayonnaise here, so I bought it. That was one thing I didn't have to think about. It's ok, but..... it does not quiiiiite taste like the mayo from home. It's not as tangy. Just. Not. The same.

So, let's give up trying to get what we know and love and just embrace the differences. I think we have a lot of tasting to do here.

this is in a convenience store
Chips. Crisps. Call them what you like. (actually, if you order chips, you are probably going to get French fries. Just sayin'. There's a difference here).

Potato chip flavors. I will just start by saying my favorites are salt and vinegar and cheddar and onion. But there is a whole world of chips to choose from. I think the UKers are serious about chips/crisps. Even in the little convenience stores, there are whole walls of them. Here are some flavors for you to consider:

Sour cream and black pepper
Meaty flavor
Roast ham
Spanish chorizo and roasted onions
prawn cocktail
Roast chicken
Tomato ketchup (we saw that one in a vending machine made by Lays when we visited Canada several years ago) (we did not feel the need to spend $1.50 to try it at the time)
Flame grilled steak
Bacon sizzler
Sweet chilli (no, I did not misspell - it's what the label says)
Pickled onion
Beef and onion
Kansas BBQ rib
Sea salt and chardonnay wine vinegar
Thai sweet chilli
Roasted chicken and thyme
aaaannnndddd...... wait for it........

Haggis and cracked black pepper.
I think that will have to go on the 'must-try' list, don't you?

And these were just what I found in the little Co Op Food store here in Thurso.

Oh! Another funny thing..... they sell pancakes everywhere!  In the grocery stores in packages and even in the bakeries!  I will need to ask a local about that.

And as long as I am talking about grocery stores, let me just add 3 little words - four-wheel drive. The grocery carts are 4 wheel drive!  How do you get a man to go to the grocery store for you? Four wheel drive carts!

I know I have already commented on how everything is small here. BUT I found something that is NOT small.  (please tolerate a little diversion here....)
And here is the thing. I really must stop thinking of my phone as a phone. I need to start thinking of it as my camera. I really can only use my phone when I am home (or on WiFi) so if I am going walking with the gals or going somewhere I know will not have WiFi, I tend to leave it at home. But this is a problem because EVERY time I leave the house, I see something that I wish I could take a picture of. Something new catches my eye. Yes, most often I can return and get a picture of it later, but that is inconvenient and I have to remember to go back and sometimes you just have that one opportunity.

So, yesterday I went to the Tesco's (literally around the corner - 3 minutes away, max) for 3 items I needed for dinner. I did not need my phone. I am at Tesco's once a day and there won't be anything new for me to take a picture of. But see, that is where my thinking needs to change. There is ALWAYS something.
Yesterday it was MAN-SIZED Kleenex!  I couldn't believe it and I laughed out loud while standing alone in the aisle. Not only that there was this giant box containing giant tissues, but also because once again, I should have brought my camera with me.


  1. LOL! So funny. I remember we took Heather to McDonalds in Cambridge. It was dreadful. We had a lovely lady, Gwen, who cleaned our offices at work. She loved KitKat's. But I can't remember if it was the American brand. I never tried them. I was stuck on cadburys chocolate. Those crisps look amazing! You could have a party just trying them all out. I'm so glad you are having such fun with this. Hugs!


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