
Inverness. It's a large city. To get to Thurso, we had to fly into Inverness and then drive the rest of the way. There are other options: train or bus. It is only 119 miles away, but it took us 3 hours to drive it. That seems like a lot of time, you say. Well,...the roads. They are mostly 2 lanes (one each direction) with no shoulders. And I am sure the lanes are smaller than what they are in the US. Mike actually is driving 60 mph most of the way.

But I guess there is something about all those curves. Not quite "The Road to Hana," but curvy. And, I have to admit, we found a nice little coffee shop that offers all kinds of homemade baked goods to go along with their wonderful coffee, which just happens to be at a public parking lot. So, we made a 20 minute stop. (Actually, we discovered it on the way up last week, so we sort of planned to stop on the way down).

We needed to drive to Inverness this weekend for a couple of reasons. 1. We needed to return the rental car. 2. We needed to pick up the car Mike just bought. And 3. We needed to pick up the biometrics cards at the post office there. (Biometrics are basically fingerprints and a photograph (without jewelry) and are like a US green card for the UK). Mike was told they would be there last Wed.  So, since we are driving ALL THE WAY to Inverness, we might as well stay for the weekend and start our sightseeing, right? So, I got the name of a B&B that Leah and Dave stayed at, called The Gun Lodge Hotel. More on that later. We drove to Inverness.

Back up. Mike bought a car. Online. AND paid for it - without even driving it!!! 
And we met a man we did not know in the parking lot at the airport.  !!!!  Seriously? Who does this? And over coffee, inside the airport (which, by the way, is smaller than the Pasco airport), they did all the paperwork and passed on the title, etc. And the very nice driver, Giovanni, who is from northern England, got on an airplane and went home. And we drove it away.  I will admit that it is a nice car. And it drives nicely and is quiet inside and has some power behind it (which is good to have when your heart is racing like crazy as you pass a semi on a two-lane, curvy road with no shoulder - on the wrong side of the road).  And so, we just drove away with a new-to-us car. Weird.

Then we proceeded to the post office in downtown Inverness. To make a longer story shorter, the biometrics cards were not there. Yes, really. Even though they were supposed to be there last Wed. MAJOR disappointment. And frustration. AND the realization that we will HAVE TO COME BACK to get them!

It took a while for Mike to let that go. If he actually did. And we moved on to looking around the shops. I saw a Mark and Spencer's, which Julie Coppock told me I must go to when we got to London.

So we went in and had a look around. And I bought a sweater and some gloves. Then we headed to the Inverness Cathedral. Wow. Amazing stained glass windows. And woodwork inside. Just wow. They really don't make things like that any more. Then we walked along the River Ness and decided to go into a castle to look around. Because we could!
And then we decided to head over to the B&B. We passed a local creamery that I would like to check out another time, but it was closed when we went by. I think the cows in the fields around it were the contributors!

The B&B was great. It was Scottish and known for it's chef of 30 years who specialized in  Scottish foods. So, while I could have gotten a rib eye steak, I decided on the attitude, "when in Rome." and ordered something I would not normally order. Scottish Game Casserole.  And it was surprisingly good! (thankfully, no shot - but it sure made the eating part even more interesting).

After a really good night's sleep with room-darkening shades, and a nice, Continental breakfast, we headed off to explore Fort George. It was interesting, even for me, who is not a history buff.
We headed back into Inverness, where we checked out the local "Home Depot," called "Home Base," and got some lunch. Let me pause here a moment to say that we ate at a pretty popular Italian place and ordered pizza with BBQ sauce as the base, but only after we saw that pizzas either had a BBQ sauce or pesto base, so we ASSUMED that BBQ base meant pizza sauce. No. It does not. It means BBQ sauce.   But it was good.

So, then we drove to Urquhart Castle, which is on the Loch Ness. No, we did not see Nessie, but we sure saw a lot of tourists. And those tourist busses sure move on those little, two lane, windy roads! Mike had to pull over into one of those pull-out spots to let one pass!

So, all in all, we had an enjoyable weekend in Inverness. However, we decided that the next time we go down, which might be as soon as next weekend, we are going to take the train. It is not much longer than the drive down and we can get off downtown and explore there next time. I want to go to the indoor market. I must remember to bring my shopping bags.

Inverness - from the top of the castle


  1. Jodi,
    This is all so interesting!
    -What make of car did Mike buy?
    -Is it a stick shift like 90% are over there?
    -It is tourist season?
    -Scottish/English tourists?
    -Are YOU going to drive?
    -To say they were that far north?
    Lots more ?s will save them for next time.
    Keep posting!!
    ❤️ Bonnie

    1. Mike covered the car stuff pretty well. Am I going to drive? Hmmm. Not really sure. I sort of feel like I should be able to if I had to. We are looking into taking driving instruction so that we can at least be more knowledgeable.

      Tourists? Asians mostly. And yes, it is tourist season. There are a ton of trailers and RVs. People are out while the weather is good (and while there is a ton of daylight).

      Even right here in Thurso - we apparently are a tourist location. :) We have a beach and there is an RV park right at the beach. And people are on their way to John O'Groats and to the Orkney Islands... A ton of tourist buses pass through here.

  2. It is an older (2005) Mercedes C220 Diesel, only driven to church on Sundays (this may actually be true for the last several years as it only had 47000 miles on the car). It is one of the rare automatics which makes it kind of nice, don't have to worry about shifting left handed. Very nice driving and handling car - actually feel very comfortable in it - feels big, but is not much larger than a Toyota corolla - so I actually have a fair amount of room on either side of the car - easier on Jodi's nerves as for some odd reason she doesn't like me driving off the side of the road - and I don't like the feeling that my side view mirror is about to hit the side view mirror of the oncoming car! So, good compromise and a fair price - probably paid more than average book, but it comes with a 6 month warranty and it was "delivered" - driver drove it 400 miles to me and then had to catch a flight home.

  3. That looks beautiful! What a view. Marks and Sparks had almost everything I wanted when we lived there. Do they call sweaters jumpers like the British? Driving on those country roads can be unnerving at times. I did most of the driving when we were there. Lee hated driving there. I didn't do so bad. LOL! I'd rather drive on there than in Dallas or Houston. That menu looked yum! I'm loving these updates. Love you.

  4. Been to Scotland, twice. You will need to check out Edinburgh and Aberdeen on one of your weekend escapes. Glasgow was also interesting. Enjoyed both times. Have driven cars (with manuals) in England, Scotland, and Ireland. My only problem was I frequently wanted to go from second into first, instead of third, as it is not reversed from us, and I'm using the other hand, so that was what felt normal. You will get used to the narrower roads, and having to slow quickly, and move to the side, on the 1.5 lane roads.

    Thanks for sharing, and please keep it up. Sounds like you are having a good time. Just remember to be a bit more patient - it will all work out.

    P.S. We will be at W-n-R this year - bummer that we will miss seeing you.


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