Living in Thurso

We have been here in Thurso now for nearly 9 weeks. I still cannot believe that we are actually doing this! One of my early posts kind of ranted about having so many new things to learn here - about having to think about Every. Little. Thing. Things I have taken for granted for 30+ years. So I thought I would like to post an update. It’s good. I have adjusted to and/or have learned the basic things and no longer feel overwhelmed having to think about Every. Little. Thing. I do small loads of laundry about twice a week. It still takes all day. this container holds the water that comes out of the clothes! I learned that I have to dump about a gallon's worth of water out of the dryer after a couple of loads. (still too weird!) I learned that the numbers on the washing machine are in Celcius, which matters. Apparently. So, when I thought I was washing clothes in a cool degrees, turned out it was actually h...