Road Signs

Signs are a constant source of entertainment here - and not just road signs. (I think there will be a post another time about the 'other' funny signs) And since Mike posted that quite-amusing driving post recently, I thought this might be a good time to post the ones I've accumulated.

As the passenger, I feel it is my job to collect them - and it can be quite fun doing so. We have traveled some of the same roads over and over, so when I see a sign that I want a picture of, I have to remember it for the next time we go by. And then, I have to have my camera on and poised - ready to capture the shot. And here is the challenge - the car is often traveling along at 50-60 mph.  I have to wait for just the right time - too soon and the picture is too small - too late and the sign is either blurry or I miss it completely - or - and this happens quite a bit - it's raining and I am trying to time it right for proximity but also trying to time it in between the wiper blades and the rain drops accumulating on the windshield. But this is a skill I am starting to perfect.

 Not all the signs are meant to be funny. Some are just interesting. As a driver – after 37 years of driving a certain way, and really not really having to think too hard about it,  it is a challenge to stay alert so that you actually remain on the correct side of the road and also to understand what the signs mean.  We have figured most of them out. I guess when Mike works with the driving coach (Yes, you need one!) before he takes his driver's tests, we will know for certain. 

 I have  gone back and forth over whether to define the signs for you or just leave them as-is for your own mind to think on and figure out. As I write this, I still am not sure. I guess we will see how it ends up. There will definitely be some commentary, though. 

Here they are, in no particular order – 

probably the most important sign!!

This one was taken at John O'Groats
and by the way - there are NO stop signs.

There is simply a solid line at the intersection.
It is also pretty intuitive when you need to make a complete stop.

how is this not funny!!!

I know - I shared this before....


this is on the pier near our house

There are lots of signs that have these exclamation marks on them. I know they are just trying to say, "pay attention," but I find them funny.



this means the speed is going to be 30 mph soon
this means slow down, you are getting closer
this means slow down even more -you are almost there
this one means you need to go this speed now
These signs come in a series of 3 like that as you enter towns. And on the other side of the town, you get the following sign. It means there is no longer a restriction on the speed. 

Besides the "elderly crossing" sign, this the following is probably my favorite the speed control sign. As you drive towards it, it flashes your speed - similar to the ones we have at home - BUT with a great, fun feature. If  you are exceeding the speed limit - you get a FROWNY face!!!! No kidding! But once you get to the posted speed limit, you get this great SMILEY face!!!  
Now who won't go the speed limit just to see that??

These pictures were taken on the way to Wick, but I just discovered on Tuesday that there is one of these inside a neighborhood here in town!  I wanted to get Mike to drive over there and go fast so that I could get a picture of the frowny face to post here, but decided maybe in a neighborhood it wouldn't be such a good idea.


  1. What a great post! I really love the speed sign! We need those here. I think the only way people will react if there's an emoji attached. I LOVE that you got the sheep sign with actual sheep around it. If I remember right, each slash on the speed sign means 100 meters. So 300/200, then 100 meters. But it's been a long time and I'm not sure. These are so much fun to read. I love seeing them in my mail. You write so well perhaps you have found a new career. You all have a wonderful weekend. Hugs!

  2. Like the speed limit sign, but I also like seeing the number - so I can compare to my speedometer - just to know...


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